Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chapter 1

The sun was high up in the sky as usual. In this part of Infral, it always does. It has something to do with the fact that the planet doesn't rotate about its axis, but that is of no concern to Ray.

As a matter of fact, he loved it only for the life-giving properties it imbues in his crops. After years of sweating it out in the open, he learnt that too much of a good thing may not be good.

He cast his gaze across the horizon, taking in the green and yellow his wheat plantation. Yes, the same thing that has filled him with pride and achievement in the past, but now just a sad reminder that all he has in his life is this. A plot of land with plants on it. And the land's not even his, belonging to the feudal lord he is under.

Which brings back the memories of the past. The past of atrocities the lord has done against him. His family. His community.

He stopped his mind dead in its tracks.

"Focus. I am but a laborer. Just do my job and I'll not be at the gallows"


Resting at his hut for the day, his mind wandered off into unsafe territory again. This time, he was curious. He did something he never did. He thought about his future.

He saw himself. Happy. And free.

He stopped again, afraid that the lord's sorcerers will read his mind. If that happens, there will be no present to talk about, let alone future. He broke out in cold sweat at this chilling thought, even as the sun blazed mercilessly.

Yet a voice was calling out to him. Telling him that he must have the strength. Strength to change the status quo.

The strength to do something about the situation.

Little does he know how this voice in him will change his life. Along with the fate of Infral.

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